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USEFP Language Teaching Program

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This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of the USEFP Fulbright FLTA Program, offering insights into how Pakistani students can leverage this opportunity to pursue free study in the USA.


In the United States, you’ll find plenty of short-term language programs that usually run for about 8 to 9 months offer by USEFP. This Teaching Assistant programs offer fully funded scholarships, so you won’t have to worry about the costs. These programs aim to help you improve your language skills and gain a deeper understanding of American culture.

This program not only enhance your language abilities but also get to immerse yourself in American culture firsthand. This experience opens doors for personal growth and can even benefit your academic or professional pursuits.

FLTA Program

The Language Teaching Assistant program, offer by Government of US, this program helps young English teachers to enhance their teaching abilities, improve their English fluency, and deepen their understanding of American society and culture. At the same time, participants teach their native language to students in the United States, contributing to the enhancement of foreign language education at American colleges and universities.

In addition to their teaching duties, Fulbright FLTA participants actively participate in their host communities by organizing and participating in a range of activities, including conversation groups, extracurricular events, and community projects.. It’s important to note that Fulbright FLTA participants are required to return to their home countries immediately after completing the program. More Detail

Fulbright USEFP Program


Tentative Announcement:  June/July

Duration: 9-10 months

Grantees start studies: Fall next year.

Deadline: 3 April 2024

Announced: Every Year

Apply Here

Qualification Criteria:

Pakistani national with a valid Pakistani Passport.

Pakistan citizen throughout the nomination and selection process.

Be a young, early career educator.

Minimum of 16 years of formal education.

As a teacher of the English language or a related field at the college or university level.

Prior teaching experience is preferred

Instruction For Applying:

All required application materials, such as academic transcripts and letters of reference, must be submitted digitally via the online application portal before the specified deadline. Please note that we only accept applications submitted electronically; paper copies will not be considered. 

Other Europe Scholarships


The USEFP Fulbright FLTA Program provides Pakistani students with an incredible chance to study in the USA without any financial burden. It’s not just about studying; it’s about immersing yourself in language teaching, exploring academics, and soaking in different cultures. Through this program, participants don’t just gain academic and professional achievements; they also build lasting relationships and make a difference in their communities and beyond, all while embodying values like understanding, collaboration, and continuous learning.

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2 thoughts on “USEFP Language Teaching Program”

    1. Glad to hear from you.

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      Just Explore it for avail Fully Funded English Language Teaching Program, moreover you may find from here others scholarship related to your major.

      Best Wishes

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