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Faculty of Donghua university & appliation process

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Explore the comprehensive guide to the Faculty of Donghua University and demystify its application process effortlessly.
Faculty of Donghua Universities

General Information

Welcome to our comprehensive guide unveiling the rich tapestry of talent within the Faculty of Donghua University which is located in Shanghai china. As you embark on your academic pursuits, it’s crucial to recognize the invaluable resource that lies in the form of the university’s esteemed faculty members.

Spanning across a myriad of disciplines including engineering, textiles, arts & humanities, science, fashion, business, and beyond, these scholars are not just educators but mentors, researchers, and gateways to endless possibilities.

In this article, we delve into the significance of leveraging the expertise and guidance of Donghua University’s faculty members, particularly in strengthening scholarship applications.

By aligning your academic aspirations with the diverse knowledge pool offered by these professors, you not only enhance your chances of securing acceptance but also pave the way for a transformative educational experience.

Faculty & Process of Wuhan University

Faculty & Process of Beijing Normal University

Donghua University China

Different Scholarships offer Donghua University

Chinese Government Scholarship.

Shanghai Government Scholarships.

International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship.

China Link Scholarship Program.

Apply Here

English Taught Program in Donghua for 2024

Yan’an Campus University of Donghua

Jounalism and Communication

(MJC) Design    2024 New!

Donghua Songjiang Campus

Textile Engineering

Non-woven Materials & Engineering

Textile Materials & Textiles Design

Materials Procession Engineering

Chemistry Engineering and Technology

Textile Chemistry and Dyeing & Finishing Engineering

Biomedical Engineering 2024 New!

Environmental Engineering

Civil Engineering (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Engineering) 2024 New!

Computer Science and Technology

Electrical Engineering

Information and Communication Engineering

Optical Engineering(New Energy Material & Device

Application Guidance & Process


For Masters Click here

For PhD Click here


Chines Government Scholarship Click here

Shanghai Government Scholarship Click here

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